Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Stravinsky & Kandinsky

                                                                                         Igor Stravinsky (1882-1971)
                                                                                         Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

                                                                                  Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944)
                                                                                     Photo Courtesy of Wikipedia

During the 20th century both of this artists one in the musical field of composing and the other in painting crossed paths where Kandinsky after hearing one of Stravinsky concerts how close music and the art of painting are so interrelated. Both men considered themselves inventors in their respective fields  where they both agreed on the idea that "invention presupposes imagination, but should not be confused with it." His elements were quite formal, but were able to be coherent and have sense of unity between the elements. Kandinsky took the concepts of volume, tone, and speed of music and expressed that in the form of paintings. This can be most notably seen in any of his paintings labeled "Composition" which is supposed to symbolize the musical element of the art work. 

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