Monday, May 9, 2011

Place Of The Day 5/9/2011

                                                                                    Pollock & Krasner House (Built 1879)

The house was home to Jackson Pollock and Lee Krasner wife of Pollock located in the town of East Hampton. The house still contains many of the orginal artifacts and furnishings. The house is home to some of Pollock's jazz record's, hi-fi phonograph, and one of his late 30's piece titled Composition with the Red Arc. The house was home to Pollock's studio in which he composed his drip and poured paintings. The floor of the studio is still to this day covered in the original paint spatter when he would drip the paint on the canvas which was lying on the floor. Based on paint samples seen on the studio floor we were able to conclude that pieces Autumn, Rhythm, Convergence, and Blue Poles were constructed here. 

                                                                                              Studio Floor

Source Courtesy of:

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