Friday, April 29, 2011

A Little Information On The Two Pollock Paintings Below

Number 5, 1948: This is a prime example of Pollocks abstract expressionist work. It was done on a 8 x 4 sheet of fiberboard, down in a drip technique where thick amounts of brown and yellow paint in this example is drizzled on. The painting is free flowing with no specific orientation and outline. Pollock lets his subconscious take over and let his body move and let the drip technique follow 

Number 1, 1950 (Lavender Mist): Is Pollock's ultimate masterpiece done with ordinary enamel house paints. He allows for physical action to combine with his emotional expression in order to achieve a balance of color and order. Flinging, dripping, and pouring all techniques used to apply the paint to the canvas. Pollock exceeded boundaries and started a new form of art that many would characterize this painting as, "chaos--absolute lack of harmony-- complete lack of structural organization-- total absence of technique, however rudimentary-- once again, chaos...." 

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